Monday, August 29, 2011

Good governance is not enough

We live in the best of times, but great challenges lie ahead. Service delivery protests are but one indication of how far we still have to go. At the core of these and other protests, is a demand by citizens for corruption to be eliminated; for leaders to behave fairly, and; that organizations and policies are set up on ethical foundations.

There is an obvious discrepancy between what has been achieved in terms of deliverance by public institutions, and what is expected by the public. Society is not satisfied with the current performance outcomes. Nowadays, the media’s reach has grown exponentially with the rise of social networks. Thus public awareness of government’s positive and negative achievements is greater than ever. With greater awareness, the communities’ expectations rise. These expectations must be met. No-one is willing to compromise.

If expectations are to be met, leaders must be exemplars of good governance. Good governance is more than just the existence of an efficient public sector. It calls for fair and responsible institutions that respect human being and their civil liberties. Although necessary, good governance is not sufficient. Leaders must behave in an ethical manner. Government structures must be fully accountable to their populace. The public must have the opportunity to participate in decision making that affects their lives. At the very least, decision making processes should be transparent. Leaders must also report back to their constituents. The reasoning underlying decisions taken on behalf of and for the benefit of the people should be communicated. Leaders should prove they are servants to the people. They should lead by example.

People have spoken and they continue to speak. People are calling for a government that will be accountable to its citizens. Are we listening? What is our response to their demand for corruption to be eradicated? A corruption free government will be better able to communicate and answer to the need of the poorest member of the society. Human security and poverty reduction will be achieved. 

However, this is not a role only to be played out by government. Every single one of us has the potential to be effective individuals if we conduct ourselves in an ethical manner. We all need to start leading ourselves. We need to be leaders who are brave, visible and communicate at all times. Good Governance is a process which cannot be shaped by legislature alone. It requires a transformation of culture. We need leaders who are dedicated to building an environment where ethics and appropriate regulation will be encouraged.

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